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October 24, 2015

The Weirdest College Mascots

It’s hard to have school pride when your mascot is something as silly as a snail or a pickle. However, […]
October 14, 2015

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: More College Kids Smoking Pot Than Cigarettes

It’s official! Marijuana is the most “smoke-able” substance among college students. This is according to the results of the annual […]
October 5, 2015

Banned Books, Trigger Warnings, and Identity Politics

Is it the same thing to ban a book and refuse to read one for a college course? Early this […]
October 1, 2015

The Weirdest College Mascots

It’s hard to have school pride when your mascot is something as silly as a snail or a pickle. However, […]
August 18, 2015

The Weirdest College Clubs In The World

When college students aren’t swamped with homework, they need to find a way to deal with their free time. Most […]
August 16, 2015

Thrifty Ways To Save On College Gear

Even though most college students don’t have a high-paying job yet, they’re expected to spend thousands of dollars a year. Tuition […]
July 31, 2015

6 Things That Happen When Your Roommate Is Also Your BFF

You spend all of your high school years buddying up with your BFF. The big day comes when the graduation […]
July 29, 2015

7 Things College Graduates Miss Most

If you’re in college, then we’re super jelly. It’s more than a cliché, what they say, enjoy your college years because […]
June 12, 2015

8 Big Changes That Happen After Graduating College

Graduating from college is pretty scary. It’s the first time in your life that things have been truly uncertain. Until […]
May 14, 2015

Grace Mann’s Murder; How “Boys Being Boys” Enables Abusers

WARNING: The following article contains explicit language relating to sexual assault. This is how the lyrics to a chant performed […]