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guns Archives - Article Cats Article Cats
September 10, 2016

Keep It Clean-The Basics Of Maintaining A Firearm

Despite the push from some politicians, it seems that the country as a whole is still very much in favor […]
November 27, 2015

Should Gun Crimes be a Public Health Issue?

Yes, you read the headline right; and no, it is not just an attention-grabber. In what might sound like a […]
June 29, 2015
gun handgun america constitution

6 Reasons Gun Control Is a Nutty Argument

People have been calling for gun control for so long, it seems there have been no new arguments in the […]
June 26, 2015
guns military war

7 Military Weapons that Will Scare the $%*# Out of You

Weapons can be fascinating machines, taking simple mechanical components and causing all sorts of devastation. Getting behind one of these […]
June 22, 2015

Why Gun Education Won’t Make Anyone Safer

Earlier this year, South Carolina representative Alan Clemmons proposed that gun education in public schools be mandatory. His assertion was […]
March 24, 2015

Gun Safety: 5 Steps to Ensure Your Gun Doesn’t Kill Anyone

People today are so afraid of guns killing people, which is kind of insane, considering that guns are not capable […]
September 5, 2014

Fire-Breathing Shotgun Shells

These illegal shotgun shells produce some of the coolest effects of any weapon… ever. Watch how the sparks erupt like […]