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joe rogan Archives - Article Cats Article Cats
September 9, 2014

Comedians Discuss Psychedelics

A good comedian can turn the mundane into something funny, and some of the greats raise profound philosophical questions along […]
May 17, 2014

The Ultimate Maynard James Keenan Interview

Besides being one of the best singers on the planet, MJK has a lot more to talk about sense his […]
May 3, 2014

Tommy Chong Explains What Jail Was Like

In real life Tommy Chong is a sweetheart, also extremely smart.  If you have the time to watch this, you […]
May 2, 2014

Survivorman Les Stroud Claims He Encountered Bigfoot

Les Stroud of the Survivorman TV show talking on the Joe Rogan Podcast about Bigfoot: Les Stroud being interviewed about […]