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Thanksgiving Archives - Article Cats Article Cats
November 29, 2015

Are Millennials Really More Thankful This Time of Year?

Millennials have been called many things, but would you expect ‘grateful’ to be high on the list? Believe it or […]
November 26, 2015

Weird Thanksgiving Facts

Thanksgiving: the holiday so many people forget or put on the back burner because Christmas decorations hit stores before Halloween […]
November 26, 2015

Turducken is the New Hotness for Thanksgiving

As the holiday season approaches, so does contemplating what is going to be on the Thanksgiving menu. Many families do […]
November 26, 2015

Celebrate Thanksgiving With Your Pets

Thanksgiving is going to be the perfect time of year to celebrate a wonderful feast with friends and family, but […]
November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Meals Gone Wild

Thanksgiving is a great time of the year for fantastic food, but it’s also a time that families start to […]
November 20, 2015

Horrific Thanksgiving Murders

Why would someone pick a holiday steeped in the tradition of family and being thankful to commit the most horrifying […]
November 5, 2015

What’s Cookin’? 5 Vegan Thanksgiving Dishes to Gobble Up

This holiday season, we’ve hunted down 5 vegan Thanksgiving recipes for our readers to feast on. No need to munch […]