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Jospeh Macolino Archives - Article Cats Article Cats
December 9, 2015

NASA Reveals What Happened to the Martian Atmosphere

It is simple human nature to want more than you have. This is why when man first set foot on […]
December 7, 2015

Amazon Starts Suing Fake Reviewers

Sometimes, news really is stranger than fiction and with Amazon.com putting forth a suit against fake reviewers, it appears that […]
December 6, 2015

Man with Down Syndrome Takes Bodybuilding by Storm

Most of us have talked about getting in shape at one time or another. Yeah, it would be totally possible […]
November 13, 2015

Celebrate Your American Indian or Alaskan Native Heritage This November

Every month seems to be devoted to one cause or another, and virtually every day of the year is the […]
October 30, 2015

Infrared Light That Can Heal Brain Injuries

Everyone knows to some extend how dangerous head injuries can be. This is why doctors recommend individuals visit a physician […]
October 23, 2015

Should We Be Banning Bottled Water on College Campuses?

Everyone has had bottled water at one time or another; and if you regularly enjoy it, then you undoubtedly have […]
July 3, 2015

Dairy Queen Breaks Franchise Structure

Normally, when a franchisee takes on the responsibility of running a business, he or she agrees to the terms set […]