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Russia Archives - Article Cats Article Cats
October 28, 2016

Who Are The “White Helmets” Of Syria?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you are likely aware that there is some serious trouble in Syria […]
October 8, 2016
Russia hacking and Vladimir Putin

What Does Russia Hacking Our Election Databases Mean For You?

Can Russia hacking our voter databases really have an effect on the elections of the United States? Does Vladimir Putin […]
September 24, 2016

Jello Tundra…Thanks Climate Change

Bely Island in north Russia is turning heads as underground methane bubbles are surfacing, making the soil wobble and jiggle like […]
June 14, 2016

Russia’s Once Again Getting Their Freak On

Don’t look now but Russia is getting their freak back on after centuries of repressed tradition. The repressed Russian society […]
February 16, 2016

Did a Yeti Kill These Hikers?

There is something within the human condition that pushes people towards natural curiosity. Though most animals would fear the unknown, […]