They paved the way for storytelling through 3D animation and helped create a bigger, better, brighter future for so many around the world. Now they’re using that influence to enact an even greater era of social equality by being the first major animation studio to showcase a lesbian couple in a major motion picture.
It’s created an equally major uproar in the circles of bigotry and hatred that include both religious and political institutions. For some reason these disturbing groups are rapidly reclaiming their hurtful territory across the geological lines that divide this country as well as the philosophical boundaries that so many have been working so hard to expand and embrace.
But before we dive any deeper into this issue (no pun intended) check out the trailer below for yourself…
Although the clip is only a few seconds long, now that screenings are beginning to pop up around the world, the waters around the controversy have only become murkier. Director Andrew Stanton hasn’t denied the characters in question are gay — but he hasn’t confirmed it, either.
As Slash Film notes, “The way the scene plays out in the trailer, the two women appear to be the mothers of a baby. But there’s no conclusive evidence that they are a couple, and it’s certainly possible to assume the women are just friends, or sisters, or something like that. Variety reports the film itself does nothing to clarify the nature of the relationship between the two women — which is maybe not too surprising considering they’re very minor characters in the film anyway.”
As we pretend even more that this conspiracy could possibly fill up any more of a news feed, here’s a little interview blip from USA Today with Andrew Stanton and Producer Lindsay Collins, “They can be whatever you want them to be,” said Stanton. “There’s no right or wrong answer.”
“We never asked them,” said Producer Lindsey Collins.
“We have not asked that of any of the couples in any of our shots in any of our movies,” Stanton added.
The two minute teaser of the sequel to “Finding Nemo” has divided opinion. Some have reacted positively to what they see as increased LGBT representation in an animated feature. Others have vowed to boycott the movie.
In truth, it would be absurd for the filmmakers to spend an exorbitant amount of time on the backstories of these two extremely minor characters, but the hype surrounding this second’s-long shot speaks volumes.
According to an annual report published by GLAAD, just 22 out of 126 major releases in 2015 featured LGBT characters — including exactly zero films released by Disney.
Let’s not forget that “Finding Dory” is a major studio film featuring an openly lesbian actress (Ellen DeGeneres) in the lead role.