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reddit Archives - Article Cats Article Cats
April 25, 2016

Reddit Lays Down The Facts…Which Ones Are Your Favorite?

Reddit has long been known as the cultural center of the internet for off-beat, often intriguing conversations (when its users […]
November 6, 2015

Is Brogressiveness to Blame for Laissez Faire Date Rape Attitudes?

Women’s rights have come a long way, but laws do not necessarily change culture. This is most evident by the […]
September 9, 2015

NFL Predictions 2015 – Combining the Experts’ Choices

Everyone gets something wrong in their predictions for the upcoming NFL season, so why not find the average? That’s what […]
July 10, 2015

Ellen Pao vs Victoria Taylor: The Biggest Reddit Drama in History

Update: Since the creation of this article Reddit CEO, Ellen Pao, has resigned. We offer this article as a background […]