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Why Dana Scully Is the Baddest Bitch of All Time Article Cats

Why Dana Scully is the Baddest Bitch of All Time

It doesn’t really matter if you’re a fan of “The X-Files” or not, everyone knows Dana Scully is one badass bitch. Not only is she hot as hell, but she keeps the questions coming, and gives Fox Mulder a run for his money, all while keeping the tension (both paranormal and sexual) high.

And with the announcement that “The X-Files” is coming back, it’s never been a better time to take a moment and reflect on what makes this agent stand above the rest.

Here are a few reasons (because we could go on forever) to be excited that Scully is going to be back in action.

She’s a Skeptic

Scully doesn’t just jump on the bandwagon and believe what everyone else believes. She questions everything and demands tangible proof. Her background in science and medicine require her to understand, and never just accept.

She’s Smart

Yes, yes, we all know she’s a doctor and works for the FBI. But did you know her favorite book as a young child was “Moby Dick?” Who reads “Moby Dick” as an adult, let alone as a child? (Let’s not forget that she named her dog after the main character, Queequeg.) Intelligent, beautiful women like Scully, that’s who.

She’s Tough, Yet Vulnerable

Scully is tough enough to make it through anything, and “The X-Files” showed us that. From alien abductions, to having to [spoiler alert] give her son up for adoption, to her internal battle with Catholicism, we know Scully is a rock, but she also has a softer side. [Ed: Highlight the whitespace for spoilers]

She’s an Icon

You know what Scully really did? She showed us young, impressionable girls of the 90s that you can be smart, you can be sexy and you can still be you. Scully didn’t dress up and paint her face; she didn’t act cute and dumb. She stood tall, said it how it was and didn’t take anybody’s shit. She was a perfect role model for girls, showing that it is possible to be successful, real and beautiful.

She Grows

Scully is not a stagnant, evergreen character. From the beginning of “The X-Files,” Scully appeared to be set in her ways, unmoving in her steadfast scientific beliefs. But throughout the show’s nine seasons, we see her accept the things she has come to know—or not know—and we see her hard, unmoving exterior begin to break. We see her grow and change and become a better person. She is not static and that makes her even more real.

Yes, Agent Scully is one of the baddest bitches on television

She’s real, she’s smart and she’s tough. And I know I’m not the only one who’s excited to see her again with the reemergence of the X-Files.


Do you love Dana Scully as much as we do? What do you think made her one of television’s most popular female characters?

Additional image: Photopin 



Molly Carter
Molly Carter
Molly is a freelance writer who talks about everything and anything from addiction, to sex. to skinning a deer. You can find her at MollyCarterWriter.com, or Facebook.