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Vans Keeping it Trending Article Cats

Talk about sticker shock. Vans are some of the hottest shoes on the market. And that especially includes the secondary market. The coolest of Skool is catching everyone’s eye and opening up the wallet.

For those of you who need a refresher course or never heard of Vans, here is a brief history. The first Vans shoe appeared in 1966 without any clue to the demand a pair of shoes would command 50 years later. They were intended for the youth on skate boards. A light comfortable shoe that was light on the feet. Collectors are churning up garage sales and Goodwill Stores looking for a vintage pair of Vans. To cash in on the craze, Vans have released a ‘classic’ line that brings back the old memories for those who don’t want to search for the originals.

Here is a look at some of the highest prices people have paid within the last 60 days for the ‘off the wall’ shoe. This list is based on the highest selling Vans shoes on eBay as of this time. These are actual, real prices.

#5   Disney’s The Little Mermaid

Only $139.95 will get you in shoes with the Little Mermaid.

#4   Disney’s Alice In Wonderland Pink print

Alice in Wonderland gets the nod at $155.50 for this pair of comfortable shoes. This is a part of the Young at Heart line pairing up Disney with Vans.

#3   Vintage Late 80s Diamond Print Canvas

$199.99 will get you a faded pair of these colorful shoes. Nearing 30 years old, a lot of people remember either seeing or wearing these shoes. The price has risen because there are more people who remember these shoes than have them. Think you might have a pair in your closet? Be sure to check the manufacturer’s tag. Modern ones are made in China. The old originals are made in the good ol’ USA.

#2   Disney’s Minnie Mouse Slip-on

This one sold for $219.99 and is labeled as hard to find. Minnie first appeared in Steamboat Willie in 1928 and is now a queen of the fashion world at the tender age of 88 years old.

#1   Disney’s Multi Princess Print

This line comes in a variety of princesses and villainesses featured in front on the toes. This one features Maleficent. And these are men’s shoes pictured. You can also get such Disney characters as Ursula, Cinderella, Ariel and Belle for only $249.95.


Vans have come out with a Star Wars collectible line a couple of years ago highlighting the Bobba Fett look. This summer, Vans will release a line showcasing the classic Nintendo game of the 90s. We will see such characters as Mario and Zelda. Also showing will be classic game screens plastered over the shoe.

Keep in mind, the last two months is a small sample size. The rarer shoes will be offered less often but realize higher prices. I may even keep an eye out at the garage sales. Except, instead of the collectible Vans that everyone is looking for, I think I will look for a copy of those old green tennis shoes I wore back in high school.


Do you still have your Vans?


