VidComp: Greatest Animal Invasions At Sports Events

These aren’t your typical animal invasions, and depending on the perspective, they are either entirely harmless, if not entertaining, or a little infuriating.

These animals knew exactly how to charge the field, come up from the rear, and dig into the dirt (are these sports phrases?)(I’m a real boy now!).

VidComp: Greatest Animal Invasions At Sports Events

The idea came to us when we saw the video of the little panther (slight exaggeration) darting across the field in a Sunday afternoon match between Australian rugby league teams the Penrith Panthers and the Cronulla Sharks.

We thought, “what other awesome animal invasions are on video out there?” Well, it turns out there are  a s*** ton!

So we chose a few of our favorites and put them side-by-side for this week’s video compilation.

Enjoy the adorable-ness!


Have you seen an adorable animal invasion? Did it happen on or off the field? Let us know, we’d love to see it! Comment below and share on Facebook!


