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What Does Facebook Say We Should Have For Dinner? Article Cats

What Does Facebook Say We Should Have For Dinner?

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What Does Facebook Say We Should Have For Dinner?

It’s sometimes difficult to find anything of substance in your Facebook feed that catches your interest. You scroll and scroll until you see a cute dog or beautiful scenery. But, come on, you always stop and watch those ever present 30-45 second videos that make cooking delicious meals and desserts look oh so easy! Honestly, those videos take up probably 75% on the Facebook. What if we were to actually make a dinner out of these recipe clips, though? Let’s take a look at what that heavenly creation would be below.

Cheddar Ranch Popcorn Chicken

There are so many tasty ingredients in the title of this recipe, how could you refuse using this as the appetizer to your epic Facebook dinner? Two chicken breasts are all you’ll need to cut up before you start dipping them in cheddary-ranch goodness. Your chicken will actually take a buttermilk/ranch bath (haven’t you always wanted to do that?) and soak for two hours. The cheddar is actually cheese crackers, which you crush until a crunchy crumb mixture is made. Simply dip the wet chicken into the dry cracker crumbs, fry those puppies up, and you’re all set to tease your appetite for the main course.

Garlic Parmesan Potato Stackers

If you’re having a dinner party, you’ll probably want to have more than one appetizer. If it’s a larger dinner party, there’s bound to be at least one vegetarian in the crowd, so make sure to have something for them to nibble on. These garlic parmesan potato stackers should do the trick. Thinly slice ten potatoes and them, butter, cream, shredded cheddar cheese, and garlic powder into a bowl for mixing. They’re called stackers because you’re going to stack several potato slices into the spaces in a muffin tray. Just bake and serve with your favorite baked potato toppers!

Eggplant Lasagna Roll-Ups

You can never go wrong with an Italian dish as your main course. Give a classic dish a twist and make these eggplant lasagna roll-ups. Start by slicing up an eggplant and baking it in the oven. While that’s cooking, you can make the filling, which consists of ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, and basil. Stir all of those ingredients together and spoon portions of it onto your baked eggplant slices. Coat the bottom of your baking sheet with your favorite sauce, place the rolled up eggplant slices on top, and pour more sauce on those. After a few more minutes of baking, dinner is served!

Chocolate Hazelnut Churros

How many times have you been to an amusement park or state fair when someone is in desperate need of a churro? It happens far too often, so just make your own at home! You’ll first need to make the churro dough and place it in a frosting bag. You won’t have to do anything fancier than a straight line, however, so don’t worry. Freeze your churros and then pop them into some frying oil. Poke a hole in the middle of your churro and pipe the glorious chocolate hazelnut mixture right inside. Roll it in some cinnamon-sugar and you’re all set!

Peach Cherry Blueberry Shortcake

Since you made two appetizers, you need to make two desserts, right? Right! With plenty of sweet fruit, this peach cherry blueberry shortcake is sure to make your guests happy. The cake in this dessert is just some simply store bought biscuit dough. Get those baking while you prepare the fruit. Sautee the peaches, cherries, and blueberries with a sugar, lemon, and water mixture on the stove. Top your biscuits with this sweet, fruity mixture and some whipped cream while you’re at it.


What’s the best recipe you’ve found on Facebook?




Kirstin Wright
Kirstin Wright
Kirstin is an IT worker by day and a freelance writer by night. When not behind a computer screen, she can be found exploring one of central Florida's famous theme parks or embarking on a new adventure. You can read about her adventures at Fun Orlando Ideas!