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Podcast: Hauntober Week 2 - Genre Slaughter!! Article Cats

Podcast: Hauntober Week 2 – Genre Slaughter!!

We survived! We made it to week two of Hauntober 2016. A huge shout out to Lea Jones for stepping up and helping us record the absolute perfect intro/outro bits, but now onto the nitty gritty.

Podcast: Hauntober Week 2 – Genre Slaughter!!

Week two of the movie giveaway contest is now live and you have until noon PST on Friday Oct. 14 to get your name entered in the drawing two win these movies:

Scary Movie 1 (DVD)
Scary Movie 2 (DVD)
Ghost Busters 1 (BluRay)
Ghost Busters 2 (BlueRay)

As for the topic, well this week we are talking about different genres of horror and what’s to be expected from those genres. We talk about some staples of said genres and some of the unmistakable characters found within.

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Listen closely, but watch out for any and all sharp objects because something wicked this way comes… organically…

