Cats are the boss! They make sure their humans know that fact at home. (You know what I mean, right?)
But some cats (and/or their owners) wanted to push their authority further and entered politics. Yes, weird politics, isn’t it? Some have triumphed and secured their spot, but some have not. Nonetheless, these cat politicians still deserve our devotion as proper cat lovers should.
So without further ado, let me introduce you to the felines who have braved politics and made it a little weirder but definitely more fun and colorful.
Back in 2012, a Maine Coon ran for senator in the United States. The cat’s name was Hank and he ran against Tim Kaine and George Allen as Virginia’s representative in the U.S. Senate. Tim Kaine won that election, but Hank was in third place garnering almost 7,000 votes, a lot of support and love.
Unfortunately, Hank passed away in February 2014. He was diagnosed with cancer and left his owners, Matthew O’Leary and Anthony Roberts, with many fond memories. If you want to know how this feline got into politics and whether he considered running for office again, read his interview with the website Catster, which was conducted a couple of weeks before his death.
In the same year as Hank, another cat ran for public office, this time from up north in Canada. The feline’s name is Tuxedo Stan, a native of Halifax, Nova Scotia. He represented the Tuxedo Party. His platform was dedicated to improving the general welfare of all felines, especially those who are homeless, abandoned and suffering, in the Halifax Regional Municipality and the world.
He has some pretty good thoughts about cats in politics. “Cats are natural born politicians. Show me a cat who can’t get what he wants with a silent meow, or a well-placed, rear-end view and I’ll show you a dullard,” he said.
Unfortunately, like his role model Hank, Tuxedo Stan has also passed away. He died of kidney cancer about 2 years ago. If you want to reminisce, you can find photos of Tuxedo Stan here and here, while you can watch videos of him here.
Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a real, official title currently given to a cat named Larry. He has been the Chief Mouser since February 2011.
The Chief Mouser is the UK Prime Minister’s official resident cat at 10 Downing Street. As the Chief Mouser, Larry’s responsibilities include “contemplating a solution to the mouse occupancy of the house,” which he says is still in “tactical planning stage.” Read more about Larry in the UK government’s official section for him here.
Catmando was the Monster Raving Loony Party’s pet cat. But most importantly, he was the joint leader of the party with his owner Alan Hope, aka Howling Laud Hope, from 1999 to 2002. In 2002, he was involved in a traffic accident and died.
Hailing from Xalapa, Veracruz in Mexico is a black-and-white cat named El Candigato Morris. “Candigato” is a word play of the Spanish words for candidate (candidato) and cat (gato). He was born out of a joke by two young men, who nominated him as a candidate vying for the mayoral spot against other traditional politicians in the city in 2013.
Playing Pied Piper, he promised to rid Xalapa of rats. Aside from that, he promised to sleep and do nothing all day, which his owner Sergio Chamorro says is a profile that fits a politician. On election day, El Candigato Morris managed to have more than 7,500 votes. AND he’s still alive!! Hooray!!
How about them pawlitics, eh?