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It's International Picnic Day (Most Exotic Picnic Locations) Article Cats

Pack That Bag… It’s International Picnic Day 6-18-16

The weather is changing, the sun is shining (in most places) (if only for a day or two) which means it’s the perfect time to grab that bag, or basket, and pick a prime destination to have a picnic. Some picnics include wine and cheese, and others are just a good excuse to get out and have a nature romp with your partner(s) (just watch those grass scratches on the ass…).

Pack That Bag… It’s International Picnic Day

These exotic picnic locations will help cultivate a special atmosphere for both of the above mentioned scenarios. Enjoy!

Huayna Picchu, Peru

At an elevation of nearly 9,000 feet, the view from atop this peak, which towers over the 15th-century ruins of Machu Picchu, is breathtaking in a number of ways. A steep, slippery climb to this rocky summit is a nerve-racking effort—one instantly rewarded with a panoramic perspective of the Urubamba River Valley and the famed city of the Inca.

Villa Borghese Gardens, Italy

The Villa Borghese gardens, near the Piazza del Popolo, is a picnic-perfect landscape for escape. Spanish Steps lead up to this English-style garden, which is the third largest public park in Rome.

Having been remade in the early nineteenth century, the gardens contain a number of buildings, museums and attractions.

Eagle Creek Trail, Oregon US

If you don’t mind carrying your picnic supplies on a little trek, this is the spot for you. Hike the Eagle Creek Trail to Punchbowl Falls and settle down on the shore. Enjoy your picnic fare while listening to the sounds of the falls, and if it’s hot enough, finish off with a quick dip.

Aran Islands, Ireland

This group of three islands at the mouth of Galway Bay has long been on the picnicker’s map.

Explore some of Ireland’s oldest archaeological remains and landmark monasteries and then head to the Iron Age fort of Dun Aengus to savor a summertime picnic while gazing over the Atlantic Ocean.

Valley Of Fire State Park, Nevada US

A natural rock formation in the middle of the foreboding Mojave desert, the Valley Of Fire State Park has a host of fascinating and awe-inspiring structures from goldrush-era houses to ancient native American Petroglyphs.

It derives its name from red sandstone formations, the Aztec Sandstone, which formed from great shifting sand dunes during the age of dinosaurs. These features, which are the centerpiece of the park’s attractions, often appear to be on fire when reflecting the sun’s rays.


There are literally thousands of amazing, often secluded, picnic destinations around the world, and these are just a few. Have you visited a picnic destination that was to die for? Let us know: comment below and share on Facebook!


