We can never get enough of our beloved Disney princesses. So here’s more re-imaginings of them. This time as pin up models and tattooed babes. Which take do you think is sexier?
There have already been many sexy Disney princesses before, but we want more. So here they are, care of artist Andrew Tarusov.
Olaf is one happy snowman, indeed.
Snow White and Dopey? Close your eyes, kids.
Ariel exchanging her tail for legs: ring a bell?
Let’s hope she doesn’t turn into a frog. But if she does, will it be a sexy frog, too?
Care for a nap?
Still sleeping.
Another naked princess.
She tamed the bear.
Meanwhile, Belle tames the Beast.
Well, what do you say?
Tarusov has also created sexy versions of Disney villains. Check out his Instagram account for more sexy pin-up style illustrations.
Designer Joel Santana gave another twist to our favorite Disney princesses. Santana, who previously worked as a graphic designer at Walt Disney World according to his LinkedIn profile, illustrated most of the princesses as sexy babes getting inked. There are four princesses, so far: Ariel, Snow White, Belle, and Jasmine.
We’ll update this page as soon as he releases new prints for the other princesses getting inked.
Meanwhile, here are the Disney princesses getting their tattoos.
Aladdin’s a tattoo artist and Jasmine is getting inked in her undies while riding a magic carpet. Is there anything more exotic than this? Of course, Aladdin’s trusty sidekick Abu is by his side and the genie’s lamp rests on a stool.
Snow White, unlike the rest of the Disney princesses in Santana’s collection, already has tattoos on both her arms. He pictures her here painting a toxic or poisoned apple, with a mirror resting on a seat at the side and a couple of apples; one of which is just the core. The drink at her feet? Probably apple cider.
Ariel’s getting inked by Eric? The musical tattoos and the crab tattoo remind us Ariel still loves music and the sea.
Here’s a different take on the Beast. He’s a tattoo artist doing Belle’s tattoos, one of which is, of course, a rose. Belle remains the bookworm that she is even while getting inked. Guess the power of reading books negates the pain of getting inked. Oh, and don’t forget Chip, the chipped teacup somewhere at the bottom of those stacks of books.
These are available as prints at madhat.co. You can also get them in a canvass or on a pillow. Your choice.