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Your Chance To Drop A Golden Deuce...You Won't Believe It Article Cats

Your Chance To Drop A Golden Deuce…You Won’t Believe It

Though it is sometimes a taboo subject, everybody poops. More common than this, everyone gets some comfort from the action of pooping. Let’s face it; in today’s society, sitting down on that porcelain throne is often the only time you get to relax during your hectic life. Of course, if you were real honest about it, wouldn’t it be nice having an opportunity to sit on something a bit more regal? Wouldn’t you like, just once, to drop that golden deuce and get a feel for what it is like to be royalty? And let’s face it, sitting on your porcelain throne may be relaxing, but you haven’t really lived until you have experienced what it is like to have your own golden throne. Thanks to a museum in New York City, you now have that opportunity.

Visit The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation operates museums around the world in an effort to preserve and interpret modern art. With museums in Venice, Abu Dhabi, Bilbao, and New York City, having a work in any of these museums is a great honor. If you visit the forth floor restroom at this museum today, you will find that the standard toilet has been replaced by a special 18 karat golden throne. Created by artist Maurizio Cattelan from Italy, this special piece is part of the “America” exhibit. Unlike most exhibits in the museum, you don’t just have to settle for looking at it either. Instead, you can have your opportunity to sit upon the throne and drop your golden deuce. If you ever wanted to know what it felt like to really “make it,” here is your chance.

What Else Can You See?

One of the draws for fans of architecture might be because the museum was designed by Frank Llyod Wright. Commissioned in 1943, it offers an inverted ziggurat design, which is not what you might expect to see in a big city like New York. While the building itself certainly stands out, there are a variety of other reasons you might pay this museum a visit. In 2008, it was designated an historic landmark and even includes a tribute feature to Frank Llyod Wright. It also houses a contemporary art exhibit from the middle east and Africa, as well as some other choice pieces.

Dropping That Golden Deuce

Of course, the most recent addition might be the icing on the cake you need to make that visit. Thanks to its 18 karat golden throne, visitors to the museum now have the opportunity for that once-in-a-lifetime experience of dropping a golden deuce. So, whether you have just always had a secret interest in sitting on a golden toilet or you just feel that your chance of ever owning one has come and gone and you need the validation of pooping on solid gold, now is your chance.


Would you pay a visit to this museum just to drop a golden deuce? What other museum exhibits would you want to see? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!




Joseph Macolino
Joseph Macolino
When Joseph is not writing for his Evorath fantasy series, he tries to spend time honing his physical prowess to one day become the Punisher. Most of the time, he just ends up perfecting the art of procrastination by watching Netflix, reading other good fantasy books, or playing some mindless game. Follow him at Evorath