Video games aren’t always filled with violent adventures that force you to shoot and kill everyone you see. There are plenty of games that allow you to explore and enjoy yourself without hurting anyone. Whether you’re scared of violent video games or just sick of them, here are some of the best games for Peaceful Gamers.
On The Sims you can create your own characters. You pick what clothes they wear, what house they live in, what job they land, and whom they marry. You’re completely in charge of your Sim’s life, so you’re free to do whatever you want with them.
ScribbleNauts is built for the Nintendo DS and is considered a puzzle game. It lets you play as a boy trying to save his sister by scribbling down words in his notepad. Whatever words you write will come to life, so if you want a dog to pop up on your screen, all you have to do is type in the word and it’ll appear.
Animal Crossing is available for Nintendo 64, GameCube, Nintendo DS, the Wii, and the Wii U. It allows you to play as a human in an animal’s world. Your goal is to make enough money to add additions to your house, make friends with your neighbors, and beautify the town you’re living in.
Harvest Moon is available on virtually any platform. It’s pretty similar to Animal Crossing because it allows you to tend to your crops and livestock, make friends in town, and even get married. It sounds simple, but it’s tons of fun.
This game has a bit of violence thrown into it, but it’s an interactive mystery drama based around Grimm’s Fairy Tales, so you know it’ll be fun. If you love watching movies, then you’ll love this game, because it’ll make you feel like you’re participating in a film. You get to control The Big Bad Wolf, who also happens to be a detective, by telling him what to say at any given time.
You can play this game on your computer. It’s about a man named Stanley who lives a boring, bland life. However, one day he goes to his office and realizes that no one else is around. It’s your mission to find out what has happened.
This game is only available on the Nintendo 3DS. It allows you to control your character by choosing what they eat, what they wear, and what activities to engage in. It’s a fun little game that’ll keep you occupied when you’re bored.
This game is for your tablet or mobile phone. It’s about as similar to Animal Crossing as any game can get. It allows you to live on a tropical island you can decorate however you’d like. You also get to play dress up, catch bugs, and help out all of your new neighbors.
This game is for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Although it’s meant for children, it’s something anyone can enjoy on a rainy day. It allows you to complete objectives in order to increase your garden’s value. There’s no way to win or lose, so the game can go on forever.
This is an older game build for the Nintendo DS. However, it’s just as adorable today as it was the day it was released. It allows you to own puppies and teach them commands. You even get to feed them, bathe them, and hear them bark!
What’s your favorite non-violent video game to play? Do you think violent video games increase violence in youth?