Leaving your home, as well as your friends and family behind to move to another country, where everything that surrounds you is completely different from that to which you are used to seeing is really not an easy task: different people, different cultures, different food and sometimes even a different language. However, some people think leaving their country of origin and traveling to settle down for a while on the other side of the planet to be a personal goal or even a milestone they need to achieve. In order to get established in a new country, there are some important aspects you will need to take into account: finding a job, a house, a room or an apartment, learning the native language, basic cultural aspects, and so many more! But let’s focus on finding a job for now. Follow these simple recommendations and you will be well on your way to successfully finding a job abroad:
Before applying for a job abroad, you need to be informed about how they manage resumes in the country you are moving to. Do you need a cover letter? Short or long resume? Do you need to attach your certificates? Or is your resume acceptable as is? In some cases, you will need to translate and notarize your degree and other certificates, so it is very important to do your research.
Once you make a decision about the place you are going to be living next, tell every single person you know. This way, you will probably meet people who went through a similar experience or that are native of the country you chose. Your aunt will always have a friend of a friend who spent their summer in a far away and exotic country.
Before quitting your job and booking the first ticket to Timbuktu, find out if the company you are currently working for offers exchange programs or if you have the possibility of being transferred to another branch. Other options are searching online for a job abroad, as well as searching your alumni networks and social network connections. Volunteering is also a great way to work abroad; besides, it’s a very rewarding experience.
Always let the employer know, in your cover letter or during the interview, that you have done your research about the different aspects of their country and that you are willing and prepared to start working. Furthermore, assure them that you are flexible enough so as to adapt to a foreign environment.
You have done your research, you have talked to every person you know about working abroad, you have looked for jobs online, you know everything there is to know about your target country, you have saved enough money to survive at least two months without a job, and you are officially ready. Of course it is scary to live somewhere completely new, but it will probably be the most exciting adventure of your life, so go for it!
Your job search starts here: United Arab Emirates | Argentina | Austria | Australia | Belgium | Bahrain | Brazil | Canada | Switzerland | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Czech Republic | Germany | Ecuador | Egypt | Spain | France | UK | Greece | Hong Kong | Hungary | Indonesia | Ireland | India | Italy | Japan | South Korea | Kuwait | Kazakhstan | Luxembourg | Morocco | Mexico | Malaysia | Nigeria | Netherlands | Norway | New Zealand | Oman | Panama | Peru | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Sweden | Singapore | Turkey | Taiwan | Ukraine | USA | Uruguay | Venezuela | Vietnam | South Africa
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