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Uber Stepping It Up...In Advance Article Cats

It’s been a long night of drinking out on the town with friends and now you all need to get home somehow. It’s almost not even a thought that, of course, you’re going to call an Uber. The app, which pages nearby drivers when you need a ride somewhere, is perfect for those situations. However, sometimes you know you’ll need a ride somewhere weeks in advance and want to schedule it. Currently, Uber doesn’t allow users to do that, but another app does and it’s called TaxiLater.

I’d Like To Make A Reservation, Please

Uber has certainly caused quite a stir not only in the app world, but in the real world. This isn’t just another Candy Crush-esque app that people open up just to pass the time. No, Uber has made users and non-users alike reconsider the traditional “hail a taxi” behavior that we’ve all been accustomed to for years. It’s just so easy. Recently, I took my first Uber ride in Seattle and was actually a little suspicious at how simple it was. No fare counter up front that makes me want to yell “Drive faster!”? No worry that I don’t have enough cash to tip the driver? It was great!

But, does the app offer everything that users desire? It seems to be missing one key feature and that’s scheduling. The obvious use case for this would be a ride to the airport. You already have enough to worry about on the day when you’re about to set off on a trip. Are the doors locked? Do I have my toothbrush? It would be one more thing that could be set-up in advance; this is where TaxiLater comes in.

This free app is only available for your iPhone right now, but, judging from all of the news stories excited about what it’s offering, it will probably be in the Google Play store in no time. TaxiLater doesn’t have their own fleet of drivers; it actually integrates with Uber so that users just have to manage one username and password and you don’t have to input your credit card information into yet another app.

Thanks TaxiLater!

Not only are users happy about TaxiLater, but Uber is probably thrilled as well because they won’t lose any of their customers and it makes their product more appealing. Setting up a reservation in the TaxiLater app is easy enough. You simply input when you’ll need it (date and time), where you need it, and what kind of car you want. Because Uber can be tricky with their fees with things like surging times, TaxiLater will confirm that the higher rate is acceptable to you before actually making the booking.

There is no limit to how many rides you can book in advance and the app provides an easy to use screen to manage those. If you thought Uber couldn’t get any better, think again with TaxiLater.


Would you ever use TaxiLater to schedule an Uber ride in advance?




Kirstin Wright
Kirstin Wright
Kirstin is an IT worker by day and a freelance writer by night. When not behind a computer screen, she can be found exploring one of central Florida's famous theme parks or embarking on a new adventure. You can read about her adventures at Fun Orlando Ideas!