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Super Mario World Transit Maps Make the Commute an Adventure Article Cats

Super Mario World Transit Maps Make the Commute an Adventure

You may not be able to ride Yoshi to work, but just like Mario, you can use a “Super Mario World” transit maps to make your commute that much more fun. You might not be a plumber dressed in all red who has to fight off Bowser’s Goombas and Koopas to save Princess Peach, but who doesn’t need a little fantasy on their way to work?

Super Transit World

The concept for Mario style maps can be traced back to a website called Dave’s Geeky Ideas, owned and operated by Dave Delisle. Deslie has been making the stylized video game maps since 2011, starting with the Vancouver Skytrain map. Since then, he’s made maps for cities such as Atlanta, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Washington DC and even Portland and if you follow the links on Geeky Ideas, you can purchase the maps in all different sizes from Imagekind, for as little as $16.49 for an 8×10. The maps weren’t commissioned by any transit agencies, but they’re still pretty cool, especially if you have the “Super Mario World” title screen song on your iPod for the commute.


Dave hasn’t stopped at the “Super Mario World” version either. Delisle made a “Mario Kart” style for the San Francisco Bay Area transit, characters included. Yoshi, Wario and Toad, among other characters, are seen driving on a multi-colored road, almost like Rainbow Road you could say. Don’t worry, if you fall off the transit for any reason, there will be a guy on a cloud to fish you out of the dark abyss.

More Maps


Robert Bacon, another well-known map creator,  has made his own version of Mario style maps, which can be found on his website Mario Maps. Bacon’s maps are available in 18×24 or 24×32 poster sizes for $25 and $45, respectively. He has also created Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong style maps for Chicago’s neighborhoods and “L” trains, so who knows what could be next up for public transportation. I wouldn’t mind if floating gold coins starting popping up on my commute.

What other styles of commuter maps would you like to see?


