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What Does Mercury Look Like on a Speaker? Article Cats

What Does Mercury Look Like on a Speaker?

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What Does Mercury Look Like on a Speaker?

Mercury (also known by the symbol: Hg) is a deadly poison, and may be best known for turning hat-makers mad in ‘ye olde’ England and giving autism to people who eat too much fish. It also happens to be liquid at room temperature, which is a pretty neat property for a heavy metal – almost all other metals are usually quite solid.

In this mesmerizing video below, watch sound waves pass through a pool of mercury, vibrating its surface, and creating a shiny quivering wave-blob of epic proportions.



Cody Klewin
Cody Klewin
Cody Klewin is the owner of Article Cats, as well as one of its contributing authors. Cody spends his time concocting insane ideas for weird articles and hiding under a desk when the hate-mail flies in. He enjoys Legos, the Tourettes Guy, and also enjoys dressing up like Skeletor while stalking people on golf courses or ice-skating rinks.