We all remember that special childhood trope, when you press your tongue against a tooth and it gives just a little bit, ever-so-slightly. Some people react with shock and discomfort. Others are almost immediately hatching complex, imaginative plans on how to remove said tooth. Be it a door handle or with the help of a woodland creature, like a recent viral video involving a squirrel and a little girl.
While major outlets continue to pretend this squirrel video is “news,” we decided what an interesting video compilation this would make. So, here it is!
What started it all was a recent viral video that showed a wild squirrel successfully pulling out a little girl’s loose tooth. Filmed in a Montreal park, the video depicts David Freiheit and his daughter affixing some dental floss to the girl’s loose tooth and a piece of granola tied to the other end of the floss.
When asked about the viral success of the video Freiheit said, “Not many people get to say they did something for the first time in human history. Today, my kid and I get to say that.