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May 3, 2014

Win Compilation: Best of 2014

Fail Compilations are great but this is another side to the story.
May 3, 2014

15 Earth Porn Pictures You’ll Never Forget

Some of these look like they are fake, but they are great representations on how beautiful our home planet really […]
May 3, 2014

Frankie MacDonald Predicts Big Earthquake

Walter Cronkite. Dan Rather. Barbara Walters. Edward R. Murrow. These are some of the most influential journalists of all time. Through […]
May 3, 2014

Tommy Chong Explains What Jail Was Like

In real life Tommy Chong is a sweetheart, also extremely smart.  If you have the time to watch this, you […]
May 2, 2014

A Flying Car Is Here! (For Real This Time!)

This dune buggy will get you high! It actually flies. Bad drivers. Traffic jams. Annoying pedestrians. Don’t you wish you […]
May 2, 2014

12 Unbelievable Public Statues

Some of the strangest statues we’ve found on the internet: Climbing ox! Who made these?? Is that Voldemort? May I […]
May 2, 2014

Survivorman Les Stroud Claims He Encountered Bigfoot

Les Stroud of the Survivorman TV show talking on the Joe Rogan Podcast about Bigfoot: Les Stroud being interviewed about […]
May 1, 2014

Super Slow Match Burning

Have you ever wondered what a match looks like burning in slow motion? Well here it is!
April 30, 2014

What is Graphene, and Why is it Important?

Graphene is to today’s science fiction what radiation was in the 1950s and ’60s. Something that we saw limitless potential […]