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September 2, 2014

How to Fly Using Helium Balloons

It has been dreamed up and hypothesized ever since the invention of the helium-filled balloon that humans could one day […]
September 1, 2014

40 Breathtaking Photos of Iceland

It’s hard to deny that Iceland is one of the most beautiful countries on earth. In one day of traveling […]
September 1, 2014

10 Animals That Kill For Fun

If you thought that humans were the only ones that could kill for fun, think again. Maybe the next time your […]
September 1, 2014

Reporter Loses Her Mind on Live TV

Serene Branson had one of the biggest breakdowns on live TV while reporting on the Grammys. News came out shortly […]
September 1, 2014

How You’re Losing Your Rights

Have you heard about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)? No? Well, you’re not alone, and in for quite a […]
September 1, 2014

Nick Offerman Explains It All

If Nick Offerman were to be offered a penny for his thoughts, he’d be a billionaire by sundown. When interviewed […]
September 1, 2014

10 Years of Flying Through Space

A European spacecraft named Rosetta has been blazing through the solar system for over a decade, and after traveling more […]
September 1, 2014

Israel Bombs Gaza

Early in the morning of August 3rd, 2014, at least ten more Palestinians were killed in the Gaza town of […]
August 27, 2014

Insanely Bizarre Ancient Art

Every once in a while historians and archeologists discover strange and magnificent art from ages past. Most of these works […]
August 27, 2014

Insanely Haunted Video Games

Sprawling across the internet are a wide variety of strange video game stories – ranging from hacked to haunted game […]