National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

Chocolate covered raisins are generally most appreciated as a concessions snack at the movie theater, but if you’ve been hoping for a chance to give the tiny snacks the real high-five they deserve, now is your chance. Tuesday, March 24th is National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day, and what could be a better way to celebrate than to take a dip into the history of chocolate covered raisins and then whip some up on your own?

The origin of chocolate covered raisins is not totally known, so although quite common now they are a little more mysterious than you might have imagined, seeing as origin of chocolate covered raisins is not completely known. However, some of the earliest references come from Europe and even include a fun little German Christmas prayer about them: “…my little chocolate balls, oh, how nobly you glorify the fruit hanging down. My vineyard weeps with good cheer at this gift from heaven.” Pretty serious stuff.

While chocolate covered raisins are generally lower in fat than a lot of other candy options, the recipe can definitely be improved upon in your own kitchen, as opposed to picking up a box of Raisinets. Here are some fail-proof recipes to test out. And then you can sneak your own into the movie theater (shh).

Crock Pot Chocolate Covered Raisins

Is there anything you can’t do in a Crock Pot? This is a great option when you want to experiment with making large batches. Start by melting 14 ounces of chocolate in the pot. Don’t limit yourself with types either, you can mix and match with white, milk, and dark chocolate to your heart’s content. After 30 minutes you can stir it up, and at the 40-minute mark add the raisins. Use a teaspoon to transfer the mixture to wax paper on baking trays and let it cool. Who’s the host with the most now?

Vegan Chocolate Covered Raisins

Mass produced chocolate covered raisins have shellac (a resin secreted by the female lac bug, which is not vegan) sprayed on the outside to give them a shiny look, but we don’t need all that. You can make a batch of vegan chocolate covered raisins that will shine from the inside. For this recipe, all you need is 1 cup of raisins, ½ cup vegan chocolate chips, and 2 teaspoons of virgin coconut oil. Melt the chocolate on a stovetop, and then add the coconut oil, followed by the raisins. Next all you have to do is spread out the mixture on a wax paper covered baking sheet and let it harden in the refrigerator. And then, you eat!

Are you joining in the celebration for National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day? Let us know how in the comments!

Additional image: Flickr



Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson
Kate Ferguson is a Los Angeles local and freelance writer for a variety of blog and magazine genres. When she's not writing, the UC Davis graduate is focused on pursuits of the entertainment industry, spin class, and hot sauce. Follow her for updates (and the occasional joke) on Twitter @KateFerg