In this bustling technological age, finding means of channeling data through the most effective pathways is as important as improving on how we handle technology itself. The plantoid is an artwork system that “grows” based on nutrients it receives through a funding system, with the fundamental view of self-sufficient companies.
Artwork has taken a new direction in this high-tech world of ours, where people can actually feed plants via bitcoin; and the plant itself will grow accordingly. This is the framework that the founders Okhaos perceived as a means of innovating the business process, where companies could run themselves based on the algorithm of funding and “growth” supported by autonomous functions.
French artist group Okhaos shared that this art form is fueled by people contributing bitcoin for the mechanical plant to stay alive. They mentioned that depending on the form and size of the plantoid, it would require various amounts of money for it to fully blossom. One of the projections of the artist group is that the first plantoid may require $1000 to fully blossom.
Once the plantoid has fully grown, a display of color and light would be manifested and the plantoid could reproduce.
The rationale of the project is to promote blockchain in an artistic manner. Blockchain is a transaction database based on Bitcoin protocol, which is a means of financial transaction that is both secure and beneficial for both consumers and merchants.
The group wanted to take the system to a whole new level with innovation and reinvention by utilizing bitcoin and plant physiology in producing art. The goal of the group is to combine both the financial potential of bitcoin and the prowess of artistic impression to experiment how things would end up should the public be left to “feed” the plant through bitcoin contributions.
This kind of action brings both Internet finance and art to a new perspective: how potential the bitcoin market has expanded and how it can influence or everyday living.
According to the group: “The first plantoid is initially alone, but as time passes and more planetoids are created from its collaboration with human beings—then new planetoids will emerge, experimenting with new physical characteristics, but also diverse personalities and governance structures enabling them to communicate with other humans through the blockchain.”
This kind of perception can change how we view growth as a whole, with a new source of food for robotic plants. This technology has actually become an important means of companies that can run without human control, because they would be fueled by the simple algorithm supported by the plantoid.