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Holy Shit, There's A Mustache Hall Of Fame! Article Cats

Holy Shit, There’s A Mustache Hall Of Fame!

A momentous occasion has just occurred. The International Mustache Hall of Fame, an endeavor of the American Mustache Institute (AMI) to “canonize the superior attractiveness of people of facial hair,” recently opened its public nomination process seeking submissions of worthy candidates for the Hall’s second class of all-stars.

About AMI

The American Mustache Institute (AmericanMustacheInstitute.org), the “bravest organization in the history of mankind behind only the U.S. Military and the post-Jim Henson Muppets” is the world’s only facial hair advocacy and research organization with more than 800 global chapters.

The organization claims to battle negative stereotypes and discrimination against the “Mustached American Community” and is committed to recapturing the 1970s-era glory years of Mustached American culture when there existed a climate of acceptance, understanding and “flavor-saving” for people of Mustached American heritage.

One Stache To Rule Them All…

The chosen few will join mustache luminaries and members of the Hall’s esteemed inaugural class including Tom Selleck, Dr. Martin Luther King, Salvador Dali, President Theodore Roosevelt, Rollie Fingers and many more.

Presented by Wahl Trimmers, the Official Sponsor of Facial Hair in collaboration with AMI, the Hall celebrates the long-standing rugged attractiveness of the global people of mustache and works to combat the discrimination of those who adopt and embrace the lifestyle of facial hair.

“Once again, we will welcome our newest inductees of deserving Mustached American brothers and sisters during the second week of March, a nod to the legacy left behind of inaugural member and the last sitting POTUS of Mustached-American descent, PresidentWilliam Taft,” noted American Mustache Institute Chief Executive, Dr. Adam Paul Causgrove. “Enshrinement into the Hall is perhaps the most arduous yet ruggedly attractive achievement among its peer organizations, and the institution will continue to set the tone for handsomeness moving forward.”

The inaugural class of 27 inductees – the full list of which can be found at MustacheHall.com – features facial hair luminaries from categories including Politics & Leadership (Taft), Historical Figures (George Washington Carver), Film & Television (Burt Reynolds), Sports (Bruce Baumgartner), Music & Arts (John Oates) and Animated (Yosemite Sam).

Nominations for each category will be accepted through the month of February, after which the nominees will be vetted by the official Hall Induction Committee.

Being inducted into the Hall follows a “deeply scientific process” overseen by a partnership of the “Dept. of Nuclear Mustacheology” at the American Mustache Institute, the German-based “Bertelsmann Foundation,” the British-based “Science and Technology Policy Research Institute” and, of course, Wahl Trimmers.

If you’re down for some clever reading and a jolt that will crack that hardy, manly grin beneath that cover of prickly stubble, then stop by AMI’s website and check out the History Of The Mustached American Movement.


Mmmmmm. Yeah, scratch that ‘stache. Feel the thicker-than-usual strands dance between your fingers. You’re a man now. A real man.


